I’m often asked this question: How did you begin Speaking? Well, my background is originally business finance in the corporate sector but I couldn’t ignore the throbbing desire to follow my heart. Here is what I did and although I made lots of mistakes along the way, I wouldn’t trade the learning curve for anything.

I got started in the field of Empowerment Speaking by doing it.. To be completely transparent, I began developing the message that I wanted to convey to young women. Once I felt comfortable in my message, I sketched out a list of schools that I could go to whose students resembled the audience that I spoke to (at-risk female adolescence). I typed an outline of my message and then I began knocking on doors. I met a lot of people along the way who helped me and pointed me in the right directions.

About 1 year into speaking in the inner city schools, I decided to take my message and my story in the community for the public whom I wasn’t able to reach via the school setting.

My advice to you would be to:

1. begin (if you haven’t already) formulating the message that you want to convey.
2. Identify your audience (this will save you lots of time)
3.Use your resources that you have around you, but keep in mind, they probably won’t be the people who directly believe in your message.
4. Ask for it. People will help you along the way if you ask, I was surprised at how many yes’s I received when I took initiative to ask for the business. People will see your heart and feel your passion.

Last but not least: BEGIN SPEAKING. Action creates momentum. Where ever you want to speak and to whom you want to speak to, YOU NEED TO BE THERE. Telling people about what you are currently doing and how your message can help.

I hope this helps,

Congrats on taking the initiative to following what’s in your heart. You’ll be surprised at the large amounts of people that are desperately seeking what you have locked away inside you.

God Bless,